July 2004

                                            Al Huda Foundation, NJ USA

Article 1

THE EVENT (al-waqi'ah)
Chapter: 56 (Number of Verses: 96)

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful 

When the inevitable event comes, (1) 
no soul will deny its coming (2).
It will abase some and exalt others(3)
When the earth is violently shaken (4)

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Article 2

The Daughter of the Holy Prophet (s) and the Wife of Imam Ali (a)

Hazrat Fatima Zahra (a)

Leader of the Women of Paradise

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Article 3

Solution: The Values of the Qur'an
 by Harun Yahya    

What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of Allah-for those men, women and children who are oppressed and say, 'Our Lord, take us out of this city whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector from You! Give us a helper from You!'? (Surat an-Nisa': 75)

Around the globe, the majority of people are among the oppressed. They are tortured, butchered, and live in abject poverty, are homeless, are forced to live their lives unprotected from the elements and they face disease without adequate medical care. There are those who cannot even afford a loaf of bread.                                                                  

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Article 4

A Sermon of Imam Ali ibn abi Talib (a)
(from Nahjul Balagha--the Sermon 1

 In this sermon, Amirul Mumineen Imam Ali (a) recalls the grades of knowledge of Allah, creation of Earth and Sky and the birth of Adam, division of Qur'anic Injunctions and obligation of Hajj).
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Article 5


Is It Good to be a Muslim?  by Diana (Masooma) Beatty

               A philosopher may debate whether there is such thing as absolute truth, or truth with a capital T. Another may say that all paths lead to God, i.e., that all religions or philosophies are equal. If that were the case, then it would not matter if I were Christian, or Muslim, or Atheist, or even if I were an Adolf Hitler, a Karl Marx or Mother Teresa. Each religion would have its own truths, and each person’s deeds within the context of their own philosophies would be equally valid. There then becomes no agreeable standard for determining right and wrong.                                                                                       More aaa


Article 6

Ayyub: An Example of Excellence in Patience and faith

The story of Ayyub (Job) gives consolation to all those who are sick or ill or deprived of wealth or children.

The Angels were discussing the conditions of mankind, their obedience and disobedience. One of them said that Ayyub was the best man on earth. He was an obedient believer, always praying to Allah. Allah blessed Ayyub to be wealthy for eighty years. During this time he never forgot to worship or thank Allah. He shared his wealth with the poor and clothed the naked.
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Article 7

                                      Call to take old Muslim leader as an example

                                    courtesy: Abu Dhabi |A Staff Reporter | 01-09-2002

The United Nations has advised the Arab countries to take an old Muslim leader as an example in encouraging knowledge and establishing a regime based on justice and democracy.

The UNDP published excerpts in English of remarks made by Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb, a cousin of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), nearly 1,000 years ago about knowledge, justice and right rule of people.                                                                                                  More aaa


Article 8

Wisdom of Luqman
An excerpt from Fables of Rumi,
English translation by Madhia Ali & Nasir Shamsi

It is known about Luqman that he was a slave of an Aristocrat and that he had an unattractive and shabby appearance. He was unlike any other of the Ruler’s slaves, all of whom had good complexion. So they always ridiculed Luqman for his looks. They put their workload on him and told lies about him to the ruler, for no reason. But Luqman did not complain. Even though he was dark from head to toe, he was extra-ordinarily intelligent and knowledgeable. He often said
such witty thing that made  people around him bit their fingers in astonishment. The Ruler owned some big fruit gardens. When the fruits ripened, Luqman and the other slaves collected them. Sometimes the other slaves cheated and ate a bushel or two of the fruits, during the collection. 

The Ruler, on counting, found that the fruit  was less than expected. When he confronted the slaves, they put blame on Luqman, saying that he ate the fruits by tricking them. Since the Ruler scolded him and was harsh with him, Luqman told him that the slaves had lied and that he had betrayed his trust. " In Allah’s court ", he said, " there is no forgiveness for betrayal. The best thing is to test us all. " Then he proposed a unique way: " Sir, make us drink hot water and after that run in  jungle after you while you are riding the horse. God willing, it would be soon known whether I am lying or they are ! ”                                                                      More aaa


Article 9

Islam Today 
 By Syed Siraj Haider Zaidi

Islam is based on two realities: the personality of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, (Peace be upon Him) who was chosen exactly fourteen lunar centuries ago to deliver God's message and to be the leader of Human kind; and the Qur'an, a book of divine origin which is the Prophet's enduring miracle and which contains God's words in the form of intellectual and practical teachings of a universal nature. These two realities must be considered as one of the most important factors in the development and perfection of Human life, or rather, they are the most important factor to have manifested itself over the course of fourteen century in the faith and practice of hundreds of million of men, extending its influence deep into every aspect of their society.                                                                                                            More aaa


Article 10

John Quincy Adams on U.S. Foreign Policy
courtesy: Radwan A. Masmoudi

Note: In commemoration of Independence Day (4th of July), enjoy reading this beautiful speech by John Quincy Adams. May the U.S. be always true to the principles on which it was founded: freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

" AND NOW, FRIENDS AND COUNTRYMEN, if the wise and learned philosophers of the
elder world, the first observers of notation and aberration, the discoverers of maddening ether and invisible planets, the inventors of Contrive rockets and Shrapnel shells, should find their hearts disposed to enquire what has America done for the benefit of mankind?
Let our answer be this: America, with the same voice which spoke herself into existence as a nation, proclaimed to mankind the inextinguishable rights of human nature, and the only lawful foundations of government. America, in the assembly of nations, since her admission among them, has invariably, though often fruitlessly, held forth to them the hand of honest friendship, of equal freedom, of generous reciprocity.                                                            More aaa


Article 11

Quran Wins Heart of US Professor
By Ammar Bakkar

       Dr. Jeffrey Lang is an associate professor of Mathematics at the University of Kansas, one of the biggest university in the United States. He started his religious journey on Jan 30, 1954, when he was born in a Roman Catholic family in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The first 18 years of his life were spent in Catholic schools, which left him with many unanswered questions about God and the Christian religion, Lang said, as he narrated his story of Islam. "Like most kids back in the late 60s and early 70s, I started questioning all the values that we had at those times, political, social and religious," Lang said. "I rebelled against all the institutions that society held sacred including the Catholic Church," he said.                                                  More aaa

Article 12

Rumi Page

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Article 13

In search of truth
by Okasha naqvi, 14, New Jersey

Where is the home
of a once loved but forgotten
who roams the world
in search of truth

he is strong
but cries
as he awakens from his dreams
a taste of death
this unfound truth
is lost
so return back to your desk
your paper and ink are where you left them
and write
0 brave one
of the fears you have hidden
in the veines entangling your heart
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Article 14

Important Tips for a Better Husband and Wife Relationship

Although many Muslims may right now be in failing marriages and on a fast track to divorce and its terrible consequences, there are many ways to put their marriage back on the right track if the husband and wife are sincere in their desire to reconcile. The following principles can be used by Muslims whose marriages are already in trouble or by Muslims who would like to avoid trouble in their marriage.

Examples of Negative:  Relationship of Husband & Wife
Many Muslim husbands and wives treat each other like adversaries rather than partners.

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Article 15

Tolerant and Intolerant Islam:

The perception of Islam today by many non-Muslims is that it is a fanatical and violent religion. That is a superficial view which ignores the fact that there are two models of Islam, one that is uncompromising and extremist in its views and another that is tolerant, moderate and humanistic.

Tolerant and Intolerant Islam
.....on how extremism emerged in the contemporary world. courtesy: http://www.heggy.org/tolerant_islam.htm

As early as the first century of the Muslim calendar, Islam has known radical sects who demanded blind adherence to their rigid reading of the articles of faith, side by side with mainstream Islam, whose adherents eschew violence and extremism and do not profess to hold a monopoly on Truth.
The phenomenon began with the emergence of the Khawarij (Seceders) in 660 AD, (the middle of the first Hejira century), a sect which preached a dogmatic interpretation of Scripture and practiced a version of excommunication by branding those who did not adopt its teachings as heretics. This was the first such sect but by no means the last, and throughout the history of Islam the quiet of religious life was broken many times by marginal groups who tried to impose
their extremist views on the majority by violent means. A comprehensive history of these groups has been compiled by my friend, Professor Mahmoud Ismail Abdul Razzaak, in an authoritative reference work entitled "The Secret Sects of Islam." The author devotes special attention to the Qarmatians, who carried away the Black Stone of the Ka' bah and kept it in a remote area in the east of the Arabian Peninsula for over a century.                                          More aaa


Article 16

A synopsis by the late Dr. Syed Haider Hussain Shamsi 

The basic elements of Islamic Faith are also known as the pillars of the faith.  An individual has the choice to believe in them or to reject them based on his intelligence, observation, comparison, education or research.  They are called the pillars as the whole weight of what follows (after acceptance into Islam) falls on these basic elements.

Belief in Allah(swt),  One-ness of Allah(swt),  Special Attributes of Allah(swt)

Belief in Prophethood, Belief in Prophet Mohammed (sawa),  Special Attributes of the Last Prophet

Belief in Imamate
Functions of the Imam
Recognition of the Imam
Attributes of the Imam

Belief in justice from Allah(swt), Rasul(sawa) and Imams(as)
Practice justice-during daily life
Justice at The End of Time, and Extremity

The End of Time, Belief in The Day of Judgment, Belief in Resuffection of the Body
The Route to Salvation, The Role of Mahdi(as)                                                 More aaa


Article 17

"  Science and technology belong within the domain of civilization, religion and art to culture. The first is the expression of human needs (how do I live), the second of human aspirations (why do I live). "
 On Death and Failure ...........                       
 by Alija Izetbegovic
During those years I began to work on my book Islam izmedu Istoka i Zapada (Islam between East and West). Indeed, I could say that I had written it much earlier, just before my imprisonment in 1946. The manuscript remained concealed for more than 20 years. When I was arrested in 1946, my sister Azra (who died in 1997) hid it under the beams in the attic of our house. When I later found it, it was a bundle of half-decayed paper. I added some new data, re-wrote the text and sent it to a friend in Canada; finally an American publisher issued it in 1984, when I was already serving my second prison sentence of 14 years with hard labor.                                                                                                              More aaa


Article 18

The Clash of History
(Professor Akbar S. Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at

American University in Washington, is author of "Islam Under Siege: Living Dangerously in a Post-Honor World", published by Polity Press.).

When American troops entered Kandahar, Afghanistan, on a routine visit in the late summer of 2003, Muslim elders ran to hide the Quran. The rumor had been circulating that American soldiers would burn and destroy the holy book of Islam. A quiet fury was spreading in the land
against what the religious leaders called the infidels. We will take revenge, people were saying. There is a proverb in the land: "I took revenge after a hundred years, and I took it too quickly."
The Kandahar story was not reported in the Western press. It was not given any significance because there is a blind spot in America's interaction with the Muslim world.   More aaa


Article 19


---tips for Muslim couples dealing with marital disputes in the West

Marriages usually start off so nicely. Everyone cooperates-the couple, their parents, other relatives, friends. Things usually run smoothly.

But somewhere along the way, marital disputes pop up. This is of course natural, but these can escalate to dangerous levels if not dealt with correctly.

Sound Vision spoke to Shahina Siddiqui of the Islamic Social Services Association of the United States and Canada (ISSA) about tips for couples dealing with marital disputes. She pinpointed some problems and provided tips on how to deal with them.            More aaa


Article 20

Islam and Global Conflict
By Azizah Yahia al-Hibri

Executive Director of Karamah, Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights (Azizah al-Hibri was a speaker at the Second UMAA Convention in May 2004 at the Marriott in Washington DC).

Let me illustrate. Many think that "Arabs" and "Jews" have always been in conflict. In fact, this is utterly false, so is the dichotomy. For the longest part of human history, Arabs (Muslim and Jewish) lived in harmony. An early shining moment in our history occurred over 1400 years ago when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established the first Islamic state in the city of Madinah. As the head of that state, he executed a charter with both Muslims and Jews of Madinah, establishing a federalist structure and proclaiming a partial bill of rights (supplementing other rights stated in the Qur’an).                                                                              More aaa

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