
Foundation, NJ U.S.A 

the Message Continues ... 5/151

Newsletter for March 2014




 Article 1 - Article 2 - Article 3 - Article 4 - Article 5 - Article 6 - Article 7 - Article 8 - Article 9 - Article 10 - Article 11 - Article 12






D.F.Karaka, a Parsi by faith, was the editor of English magazine Current of Bombay, India. He had profound love and respect for Imam Ali (AS). In his autobiography, in one of the chapters titled

“Then came Hazrat Ali”, he describes his love for the Imam and how he saw the Imam in his dreams and how he was helped when was in despair.

He was operated for kidney ailment in 1968 and wanted to visit Najaf. He approached the Iraqi counselor and requested for a visa not as a journalist but as an ordinary citizen. The counselor objected about his faith that he was not a Muslim and why he wanted to go to Najaf. Some how, he succeeded in getting the visa and visited Najaf twice.

He described his third visit in detail. He reached Baghdadand took a cab. When he asked the driver to go straight to Najaf, the driver advised him to visit Karbala first as that was the normal practice but he insisted to go to Najaf straight as he had special relation with the Imam. He recited 110 times “Ya Ali”. He said that he had recited “Ya Ali” millions of times in three months.

He was carrying a letter for the governor of Najaf. He said that he made a mistake by going to the governor first. The governor had arranged for an escort. As soon as he reached the mausoleum, he was not allowed inside but was restricted to outer courtyard. In desperation, he could hear the Imam as saying “You sought the help of officials while I came in your dreams”. He said that he did not hear any voice but he felt that Imam was not happy with him. In desperation he returned to Baghdad. He stayed in the hotel for 3 days. As a result of some unique event, he was once again driving to Najaf. Because of the unusual rush, he had to abandon the cab and started walking on a road called “Siraat-e-Mustaqeem”.

Its name was mentioned in the Bible and also stated that Prophet Iesa (AS) had walked on it. Millions of men, women and children were rushing towards the main gate and he was also trapped with them and at that time he had an attack of angina pain. He was sweating profusely and thought that he was going to die. At that moment he felt that a strong masculine hand picked him up and placed him right inside the mausoleum. He was being pushed by the mammoth crowed. He was greeted by the Caretaker Syeds who were standing near the walls. He managed to kiss the golden net of Imam Ali’s Zarih.

He felt on the top of the world. The heart attack subsided and he felt normal and fresh.

On enquiry, he came to know that it was Shab-e-Mairaaj and that was the reason for the rush.









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