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Alleviating Stress in your life

1.Zikr (Remembering Allah): "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort (Qur'an, 13:28)."

2. Meditation (Salat): "O you who believe! Seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely, Allah is with the patient (Qur'an, 2:153)." Regardless of the type of meditation, recent studies have verified the physiological effects of meditation. Most of those mediations consist in focusing on something, repeating some words and breathing (Greenberg, p.142, 143).

3. Forgiveness: "Ask forgiveness of your Lord; surely, He is the most  Forgiving"
(Qur'an, 71:10). Allah is forgiving. If you forgive others, it frees you from constraint.

4. Recitation of Qur'an: The Prophet (s) said, "...
Qur'an is a remedy for illnesses of the mind" (Bukhari). "The echo of sound has a curative effect and is now widely utilized," says Dr. Greenberg. "The recitation of or listening to the Qur'an has an effect on the body, mind and heart! Listening to beautiful rythem of Sura Al-Rahman is soothing and ensures comfort and peace of mind. It is said that the letter Alif echoes to heart, while the letter Ya' resonates with the  pineal gland in the brain.
Dr Ahmed El Kadi of Akber Clinic (Panama City, FL) conducted and published the effects of listening to Qur'anic recitation on physiological  parameters (i.e., the heart, blood pressure, and muscle tension), and reported improvement in all factors, irrespective of whether the listener was a Muslim or a non-Muslim, Arab  or non-Arab. Obviously, it can be postulated that those who understand and enjoy the recitation  with a belief in it will get maximum benefits," writes Dr Athar Shahid (Indiana).

5.Positive thinking: Do not dwell on the bad things of the past; think of good things, always having hoping for the better. Trying to change the past is not wise. It is waste of time. The Prophet (s) said, " Know that success comes through patience, and that ease comes through hardship."
We will not panic in a crisis, nor reason be distressed or worried, when we believe our Prophet that after hardship comes ease!

6. Do not waste time on thoughts of fear or stress: "The waste of time and procrastination are two main causes of stress" (Seyle, p.102). Remain active and do things on time. Avoid laziness; Prophet (s) used to seek refuge in Allah from it. Understanding that this life is short and time precious, we should work hard and pursue worthy knowledge (Munajjid).

1.Athar, Shahid, MD. "Modern Stress and Its Cure From Qur'an."
2.Greenberg, Jerrold S. CSM = Comprehensive Stress Management. WCB: McGraw-Hill. 1999.
3.Munajjid, Sheik Muhammad. Book of Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid: Dealing with Stress and Worries.
4.Sahih Bukhari.
5.Seyle, Hans. The Stress Without Distress. N.Y.: Lippincott. 1974.
6.Shakir Translation. Holy Qur'an








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